Literacy: Students dive into high quality picture books and chapter books to empower them to be critical thinkers and problem solvers with Fishtank Learning. Teachers use best practices for comprehension instruction aligned with Minnesota state standards. To learn more, visit Fishtank Learning
Math: Students use Reveal Math to develop real world problem solving skills, and manipulatives are used to help students use concrete thinking to understand and develop abstract reasoning. Students use Reflex and Prodigy online to build fact fluency. To learn more, visit the Reflex Math and Prodigy Math websites. ALEKS the most effective adaptive online learning program driven to help students meet standards.
Phonics and Spelling: Teachers use a systematic and research based method to phonics and decoding instruction with the UFLI curriculum from the University of Florida Literacy Institute. In kindergarten through 3rd grade, students practice phoneme segmenting, blending, and fluency to acquire skills needed to become automatic, proficient and confident readers. To learn more visit UFLI.
Science and Social Studies: Impact Social Studies give students access to cultural experiences through engaging texts that focus on their community, the state and global events. Inspire Science curriculum engages students and builds background knowledge. With English language strategies, experiments and writing activities, students are working collaboratively to ask questions and investigate the world around them. We have a new science lab where students will apply content with hands-on experiments. You can learn more about Inspire Science and Impact Social Studies on their websites.